Sustaining Tenancies

He Korowai Trust successfully applied to become a panel member to deliver the Sustaining Tenancies programme which provides practical immediate (in the community) support advocacy & resolution services to Landlords & Tenants. The aim of the service is to work with both the Landlord/s & Tenant/s to resolve any conflict or concern at the lowest possible level to avoid eviction or termination of the tenancy.

Sustaining Tenancies is about better housing outcomes, particularly for Tenants with multiple or complex tenancy needs. The service will provide immediate skilled social support and advocacy for those at risk of eviction.

Looking for help and support with your tenancy?

Sustaining Tenancies

Sustaining Tenancies helps tenants to develop the skills and knowledge to independently manage their tenancy with the support of a keyworker. 

Both you and your keyworker will agree on how long you require support and advocacy from the Sustaining Tenancies service.
This service is FREE.
Any person may refer to the Sustaining Tenancies programme. You can also self refer to this FREE service.
  1. The service is open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.00pm.
  2. The contact phone number is 09) 408-4844.
  3. The Sustaining Tenancy programme is based at Reception,
    He Korowai House
    25 Commerce Street

Access Criteria

  • You must give your consent to receive the sustaining tenancies service

  • You must be on a pathway to homelessness and/or at serious risk of eviction

  • Are living in adequate housing and have a tenancy agreement (as defined by the residential tenancies act) and need a support service to stay housed to achieve your goals and/or

  • Require immediate intervention to prevent you from losing your tenancy and becoming homeless

How does the service work?


An experienced staff Keyworker will be allocated to complete an assessment with you which will identify the level of support you require and ensure the Sustaining Tenancies Programme is right for you. The assessment can take up to 1.5 hours and will be used for planning purposes.


Once the assessment has been completed a Whānau Led Goal Plan will be developed and agreed to by both parties. The whānau Led Goal Plan will record what needs to be done to sustain your tenancy and how we will do things together.


The whānau led Goal plan will also record who will do what so that everyone is clear about what will happen, when and why.


Your whānau Led Goal plan will record your progress and experience whilst on the Sustaining Tenancy Programme for evaluation and quality improvement purposes.